On reservation you will be given an estimated completion date. You are then at the end of the selling chain meaning there is not the worry that the sale may fall through due to complicated chains, poor surveys or other glitches. On reservation, the price is fixed and your new home is taken off the market.
Most new build properties will have efficient boilers; heaters and insulation which means you don’t waste electricity and gas, saving money on bills and also doing your bit for the environment!
Some developers will offer guarantees / warranties on items and a number will be covered by a NHBC guarantee (10 year residential warranty & insurance cover).
Developers may offer incentives such as wood flooring throughout the property or have items such as curtains, carpets, tiling in your bathroom or kitchen, and even landscaping for your garden included in the purchase price. Some developers will also include white goods such as a fridge, freezer, dishwasher or washing machine.
On occasions you can negotiate some extras when buying new build for example getting your stamp duty paid or a certain amount of cash back after you move in.